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7 Ways Hydroponics Solves Food Security

Food security is an ongoing issue around the world. The major concern with food security is the availability of healthy, nutritious food in areas that don’t presently have access to it. The primary cause of this is the fact that many urban areas are located far enough away from food producing regions that they don’t always receive the freshest versions of food. This causes a vicious circle that perpetuates chronic health conditions and social challenges.

With hydroponic food production, families are able to produce their own food in their own homes. Communities are able to produce food locally. Organizations are able to produce food on a large scale directly within urban centers. All of these are feasible conditions under which hydroponics solves food security.

Here’s a look at seven different ways that hydroponics solves food security when compared to traditional methods of agriculture:

1. Less labor intensive through automation

2. Produces higher yields faster

3. Can grow year-round, less dependent on seasons

4. Safer food and better control

5. Scalable from home-sized to commercial level

6. Uses fewer resources through controlled and precise energy and water consumption

7. Able to be established within a city as opposed to rural locations

Read more about how hydroponic technology solves our food security issue.

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